El Nido 1

Personalize your travel experience!

Immerse yourself
in the beautiful islands
of the Philippines

Scenic beaches, diverse ecosystems, a myriad of flavors, and warm, hospitable people – this is what’s in store for you in the amazing Philippines.

Whether you’re a casual traveler or a hard-core backpacker, Watatrip indulges you to a unique experience.

This is creative tourism!

Our Stories

We are a traveler’s compass, and more! We curate important places that meet a traveler’s basic needs and feature breathtaking destinations, cultural events, practical travel tips, and outrageous promos!

PHL Collage

Sights and Sounds of the Philippines

What is Watatrip?

Watatrip is your travel compass in the Philippines.

We let you know what’s around you to meet your most basic of needs. We also show you places of interest, of course, and even activities that you can do. All within your vicinity.

Looking for a place to eat? To stay? Where’s the nearest ATM that accepts international cards? The convenience store?

We also offer services such as transportation and local tours, feature restaurants and food-related events, as well as cultural happenings. You can plan your trip and itinerary ahead or do it the same day you arrive. What’s more adventurous than that?

To highlight our advocacy of promoting creative tourism, we’re partnering with local communities with programmes that will thrust you into their everyday activities. And all this helps to enrich your experience and appreciation of different cultures.

With Watatrip, you won’t have to wonder what’s around you, what you’re going to do next, or even how to get to places.

Discover to connect.
