Watatrip x Drive Manila Angono Art Tours
NOTE: This is a re-post from an article published on Drive Manila, with edits and additional content from Watatrip. For the original text, click here.
Drive Tours launched a successful pilot of its Angono Art Tour held last January 11, 2020 in the country’s art capital, Angono Rizal.
The guided tour was participated in by folks from different ages and nationalities. The tour was spearheaded by Drive Manila founder Michael Miranda, and tour organizers Mailyn Solomon and Gene Rose Imphang.

Partnering with Drive Manila are Watatrip, as represented by founders Omar Regalado and Reamur David, together with AccesiWheels founder Eva Parreño.
Drive Tours is a public-private collaboration as ably supported by the Angono local government unit (LGU). The LGU plays host and guide to the tours.
This partnership is vital in ushering in a one-of-a-kind art tour in this quiet town.

Four main stops for the tour create a narrative as to how art has been at the core of the town and its citizens.
First was the Angono Petroglyphs. The Philippine National Museum estimates that these have been etched on these walls in 3,000 BC. This primitive art is proof that the town of Angono has its ancestors to thank for the creativity in their blood.
The Petroglyphs was accidentally discovered by Carlos “Botong” Francisco during a camping with the boy scouts.

Next on the agenda was the private Blanco Museum.
While the patriarch may have passed away, his art legacy continues not just with his prodigious children, but also with the third generation Blancos!
After a bit of rest and much-needed lunch, we headed to another private museum, that of Nemiranda – house and workshop of Nemesio Miranda.
Be on the lookout for Nemiranda’s theme of doves as he integrates these in his pieces. He was also acclaimed for his “Imaginative Figurism.”

Finally, the highlight of the tour: the house of one of Angono’s great sons, Carlos “Botong” Francisco.
Botong Francisco was bestowed the National Artist title when he was at his peak. Known for his murals, his style was undeniably his. The genius in his art continues to be an enigma.

Drive Tours Moving Forward
Michael Miranda introduced Drive as the first and only mobile app for car rentals and tours in the Philippines. Eventually, Drive Tours was launched in lieu of providing accessible, inclusive and convenient guided tours. Its peer-to-peer design enables tour operators to utilize Drive’s technology to build their business by having easier access to vehicle providers, a ticketing system and a network of restaurants and hotels in the tourism industry.
The group of Drive Tours, with Watatrip and AccesiWheels will continue to explore great destinations near Metro Manila, and make it as inclusive and immersive as can be.
After all, traveling off the beaten path make for more memorable moments.
See you soon!